Eastern Mavericks District Basketball Club | Annual General Meeting
AGM details
10:30am Sunday 17 October 2021
St Francis de Sales Community Sports Centre
Function Room
8 Dutton Road, Mount Barker
Committee nominations
We have had jam packed year with our Club growing to 29 junior teams in 2021 and our senior men and women participating in the inaugural NBL1 season.
With all positions vacant, we would like to pass on our particular thanks to out-going Executive members Hannah Sharp (Secretary) and Talitha Carroll (Treasurer). If you are interested in joining the committee in these roles or any other capacity, please complete the committee nomination form.
Not quite ready for a committee role, but looking to become more involved in your Club? Do you have other skills you can bring to the Club to support our members as we continue to grow? We are seeking volunteers to support the committee with interest and skills in the following:
Graphic Design & Video editing – preparing stories and content for social media on seniors and junior
Physio professional/student for NBL1 game night: strapping, injury support etc.
Canteen Coordinator - someone to coordinate the recruitment and scheduling of canteen staff and .
NBL1 set up and pack down crews (April to August 2022 for 10 home games). We a looking to establish two crews so that each group is on rostered on once every 4 weeks.
Fundraising & Sponsorship
If insufficient nominations are received in writing prior to the AGM, nominations may be called for from the floor for any vacant positions.
Please contact admin officer Amanda Williams if you have any queries, E: admin@easternmavericks.com.au
Come and be a Maverick!
Mellissa Bradley
President | Eastern Mavericks District Basketball Club